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Everything you need to know about applying
Q123EN – How to obtain the certificate in another language
Q122EN - Do you disclose the number of registrations received for each group of the competition?
Q121EN - Does the Luxembourg Art Prize showcase artists?
Q114EN - Will there be an exhibition this year?
Q112EN - My certificate’s QR-code indicates that my certificate was rescinded
Q110EN - The certificate awarded contains a mistake in my name
Q109EN - Certificate authenticity
Q085EN – Certificate of artistic achievement
Q018EN – Can I enter the competition several times?
Q100EN - How can I delete or update a work in my application?
Q120EN - Why is it beneficial to register for multiple selection groups within the year?
Q116EN - Can I submit pieces that have already been sold?
Q119EN - What about comics and illustrations?
Q117EN - What about the order in which my work is displayed in my application?
Q092EN - What is the "Digital Arts" category?
Q052EN – A member of my family, who has since died, was an artist, can I submit his/her work?
Q088EN - What is the personal application file?
Q078EN – About previous finalists
Q017EN – I’d like some feedback about my application.
Q077EN – My photograph hasn’t been printed yet and I’d planned a print run with different sizes
Q069EN – Can I submit an art project that has not yet been completed?
Q045EN – My work was created to be exhibited outside, is this possible?
Q044EN – My sculptures are quite heavy, what is the maximum weight accepted?
Q012EN – I don’t have enough time, is it possible to get an extension to the deadline?
Q001EN – What is the maximum size of artwork I can submit?
Q108EN - Which works of art are not accepted?
Q091EN - Can I submit audio or video?
Q111EN - The QR code indicates that my certificate is not valid
Q006EN – How do I know if my application is complete or not?
Q107EN - What happens after the deadline for submissions?
Q106EN - Can I make changes to my application?
Q105EN - Do I have to write my application in a certain language?
Q104EN - Is there a limit to the number of words I can write in my application?
Q102EN - Do you accept artistic performances?
Q099EN - How many works can I include in my application?
Q098EN - What are “variable dimensions” for a work of art?
Q080EN – I did not receive a confirmation link at my email address
Q095EN - How do I delete my account?
Q093EN - How can I change my name, email address, or password?
Q090EN - Can I register with my artist name?
Q031EN – I’d like to add a PDF document to my application. Where can I do this?
Q008EN – My application is complete, what do I do now?
Q036EN – We’re a collective of artists, how do we create our Application Space?
Q075EN – If my application is not complete, what happens?
Q067EN – I started completing my application file and now nothing is displayed when I return to the applicant space
Q060EN – I would like to show multiple photos of the work I'm submitting
Q002EN – I’m not inspired by any artists, what should I do?
Q086EN – I am unable to send my photos with my application file
Q003EN – Can you help me select which pieces to submit?
Q007EN – I’m not great at using the Internet, can I send my application by post?
Q010EN – Can you look at my work beforehand to see whether I should take part?
Q011EN – I’m not on Facebook or Instagram, what should I do?
Q013EN – Am I allowed to submit work I did several years ago?
Q014EN – I’m getting an error message when I try to send my photos
Q015EN – I want to take part, what should I do?
Q016EN – I’ve lost my password
Q019EN – I’ve been told that my country is not allowed to take part – is this true?
Q032EN – I’ve changed my email address and can no longer log in
Q033EN – What is a collective of artists?
Q034EN – What is a ticket?
Q038EN – I don’t have a postcode (postal code, zip code)
Q040EN – What resolution should I use for the photos of my artwork in my application file?
Q047EN – When I send a photo to my file, the created thumbnail is truncated
Q048EN – Is there a mandatory theme?
Q049EN – I’d like to present work that has already been exhibited, is this a problem?
Q053EN – I want to change my profile photo
Q054EN – My phone number or my address has changed
Q055EN – My photos are taking ages and won’t upload
Q056EN – Is a series of photographs considered as a single artwork?
Q063EN – Is a diptych or a polyptych considered as one or several artworks?
Q064EN – My profile photograph/photographs of my work are upside-down in the small thumbnail
Q071EN – Will I receive email confirmation or acknowledgement telling me my application of complete?
Q073EN – The system is showing ‘Error -1’ when I try to upload photographs to my file
Q079EN – About the GDPR Regulation
中文 (中国)